Saturday, February 19, 2011

Saturday Centus - All I Didn't Know

Jenny Matlock
Wow, it's Saturday Centus time already.  Where did the last week go???  Here's the routine for those of you not familiar with the meme.   Grab the prompt, (it's in red in the body of my piece), and write a story using 100 words or less, not including said prompt.  Then pop over to Jenny Matlock's blog by clicking on the 'Centus' button above.  Follow the instructions to link your story and you're almost done.  I say almost, because once you're there you must go read all of the other wonderful submissions.  And don't forget to leave comments.  Folks have worked hard here, they need a few thumbs up or they'll stop writing.  And Saturday Centus will disappear.  And Miss Jenny will cry.  Then she'll get the hiccups and it will be your fault.  You don't want that on your conscience now, do you?

Now on to my story.  It's a tad dark this week, a place I usually don't go, but it just popped out! Just so you know it's so dark, that I needed a beer when I got finished.  But the doctor says no alcohol, so I had a glass of apple juice instead.  Just for the record, the apple juice didn't do it!

All I Didn't Know

When I said,  "I'd catch a grenade for ya," I didn't know you'd be the first to toss one at me.

I didn't know that a barrage would follow in the days, the weeks, the years to come.

I didn't know I couldn't save you from yourself.

I didn't know I would become hard like the bits of shrapnel that you embedded in my soul.

I didn't know that I would stop caring whether or not you could catch as well as you could throw.

I didn't know that I would leave.

PS:  I still really need a beer!  Hope I haven't caused anyone else to need one...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Saturday Centus - Flames of Love - A Valentine

Jenny Matlock

It's Saturday Centus time, and this week Jenny Matlock has come up with a dilly of a prompt.  Write a verse, (50 words or less), for a Valentine card to match the picture below.  (Wherever did she find a pup with 'bedroom' eyes???)  My humble submission is below the picture.

I want to be your super hero.

Let's not waste time, fiddling like Nero.

We don't look like swells or even like yuppies,

But between us I'm sure that we'd have cute puppies.

 Come be my love, and I'll take you higher.

Together we'll start our own kind of fire.

I need to apologize for not making the rounds to read and comment on other submissions in the past week or so.  I've been ill of late and have not been up to spending much time on the computer.  Didn't even get to do a post myself last week...Bummer.  I'll try to do better this week and make the rounds.  The only thing that would prevent this from happening, would be if I'm packing for the move to Kansas City.  You see, I've included this gem in my portfolio and mailed it off to Hallmark Crown Center this morning.  I'm just sure I'll get an immediate response!

The rest of you 
can should read the other valentine verses by clicking on the Saturday Centus button at the top of the page.  Please do that.  We all live for comments.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Saturday Centus - A Respect For Words

Jenny Matlock
You know it's been a zooey week when it's Wednesday and you're just getting to write your Saturday Centus piece.  Ah life!  It can certainly interfere with blogging.

Here's the scoop on Saturday Centus.  Our facilitator, Jenny Matlock, gives you a prompt.  Then you get to add 100 words to that to form a story.  And good luck!  It ain't easy!  That's a fact!  (BTW:  You'll want to link to the SC homepage, and then read the other entries.  Just click on the button at the top of this page and you'll be guided through.)

Now, my story for the week.  The prompt is in red.

A Respect For Words

Dorothy found a bundle of yellowed envelopes, tied with a piece of rough twine, in an old trunk in the attic.

She lifted the stack of letters from the ancient chest, and immediately recognized her husband's handwriting and the name on the address.  These were Ben's letters to his first wife, (now deceased), that he had sent from Korea!

Dorothy's thoughts drifted to the letters from her late husband that were neatly tucked into the back of her lingerie drawer.

"Some words are written to be read by only one set of eyes," she whispered, as she placed the letters back in the trunk and gently closed the lid.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Foodie Friday - World's easiest Cherry Cobbler

FOODIE FRIDAY Click for details
I don't do much microwave cooking, except for one dessert that we love...Cherry Cobbler.  It's good anytime, but this recipe comes in particularly handy when unexpected guests drop in for a visit.  In about 20 minutes you can have warm cobbler on the dessert table!  The ingredients are things you probably have on hand.  We like this best served with vanilla ice cream, but whipped cream works well too!

World's Easiest Cherry Cobbler
6 T. butter
1 C. all purpose flour
2/3 C. coarsely chopped nuts
1/3 C. packed dark brown sugar
3/4 t. ground cinnamon
1 can (21 oz.) cherry pie filling
2 t. cornstarch
1/2 t. fresh lemon juice

Melt butter in large pyrex cup in microwave. Mix in flour, nuts, brown sugar, and cinnamon.  Set aside.  In a one quart casserole, combine cherry filling, cornstarch and lemon juice. Mix until smooth, then microwave for one minute on high.  Sprinkle topping over filling mixture and microwave on medium-high for 6-8 minutes. Cool slightly before serving with vanilla ice cream.

My advice:  grab a serving for yourself as quickly as possible, because at the end of the evening this is all you'll have left.

This post is being linked to Foodie Friday. Now please hop over to  and take advantage of the Mr. Linky feature that our hostess, Michael Lee provides.   You'll be able to surf tons of wonderful recipes right from the comfort of that desk chair!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Saturday Centus - Closetman

Jenny Matlock
Do you know the drill?  On Saturday, Jenny Matlock gives you a prompt and you have to write a story in 100 words or less. Fortunately for me, the prompt is not included in the 100 words.  Of course I forgot that this week, (cut me some slack I'm new to this meme), and it came up four words over!  I started to pull out some lustrous locks, but stopped short once I remembered this 'gift.'

To make things even more interesting this week, your story must be Sci-Fi!  Oh, Jenny Matlock!    Sci-Fi???  My least favorite genre!  How clever of you.  How diabolical.  I'm here to exercise my shrinking brain and expand my limited horizons.  You've thrown me a challenge and I can't resist.  So here's my submission.  The prompt is in red.



"Mommy, the man's in my closet again."

"Oh Sweetie," she sighed.  "We looked twice this week. No one's there."

Tiny sobs.

"Okay, get in bed with Daddy.  I'll check."

In her sleep deprived state, she stumbled to Bobby's room, and on impulse crawled under the Sponge Bob comforter.

She never did decide if she was awake or asleep when she heard the man's voice:

"Damn it! I'm in the kids closet again. The first time I thought it was an innocent mistake. The second time I thought the coordinates weren't erased.  But a third time?" 

"Beam me up, Scottie...we need to talk."

When I do like Sci-Fi, it has to be humorous, like the short parody Hardware Wars.
  What?  You haven't seen it?  Ah, you're probably too young.  If you have a strange sense of humor and want to give it a view, click on the title.  Please do this after you click on the Saturday Centus button and read the other stories. That's what I'm gonna do.  You'll really like what ya read!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday Centus

I've been meaning to try my hand at Saturday Centus for a while and it looks like this is the week!  For those of you unfamiliar with this meme, it revolves around a writing prompt provided by our 'hostess', Jenny Matlock.  Usually you have a 100 word limit, not including the prompt, but this week the limit is 25 words.  For those of us who get too 'wordy' it was a challenge!  This week's prompt...the lottery ticket.
So, without further ado, here's my first attempt.

                                                                        Sweet Revenge

With the receipt for the lottery ticket securely in his pocket, he made the call.  "Hey Darlin'," he purred into his ex-wife's voicemail.  "Catch the 11 o'clock news."

Having a blogger problem linking to the button.  To get to Jenny's blog just use this link for now.