Wow, it's Saturday Centus time already. Where did the last week go??? Here's the routine for those of you not familiar with the meme. Grab the prompt, (it's in red in the body of my piece), and write a story using 100 words or less, not including said prompt. Then pop over to Jenny Matlock's blog by clicking on the 'Centus' button above. Follow the instructions to link your story and you're almost done. I say almost, because once you're there you must go read all of the other wonderful submissions. And don't forget to leave comments. Folks have worked hard here, they need a few thumbs up or they'll stop writing. And Saturday Centus will disappear. And Miss Jenny will cry. Then she'll get the hiccups and it will be your fault. You don't want that on your conscience now, do you?
Now on to my story. It's a tad dark this week, a place I usually don't go, but it just popped out! Just so you know it's so dark, that I needed a beer when I got finished. But the doctor says no alcohol, so I had a glass of apple juice instead. Just for the record, the apple juice didn't do it!
All I Didn't Know
When I said, "I'd catch a grenade for ya," I didn't know you'd be the first to toss one at me.
I didn't know that a barrage would follow in the days, the weeks, the years to come.
I didn't know I couldn't save you from yourself.
I didn't know I would become hard like the bits of shrapnel that you embedded in my soul.
I didn't know that I would stop caring whether or not you could catch as well as you could throw.
I didn't know that I would leave.
PS: I still really need a beer! Hope I haven't caused anyone else to need one...